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The Plasma Universe

"Curt Suplee explains in an entertaining way and in educated layman's terms what constitutes plasmas, their complex behavior, the history of plasma science right up to the use of plasmas in modern day and future technologies. In these pages, is a concise summary of our current understanding of strange and beautiful phenomena on earth and in stars and galaxies around us."

Cherry Murray, Dean, Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Physics in the 20th Century

Book of the Month Club Selection
"This unique volume is written for the interested non-scientist. The text is authoritative yet accessible; the illustrations are excellent; and the production is outstanding. Physicists too, will enjoy and be surprised by every page."
--D. Allan Bromley, Sterling Professor of the Sciences and Dean of Engineering, Yale University and former science advisor to President George Bush

"The next time a stranger at a party asks me what the point of physics is, I'll tell them to read Curt Suplee's excellent Physics in the 20th Century ... this scientific epic [is] an effortless read."
--The New Scientist

Everyday Science Explained

"Suplee ... is a creative and vivid teacher, organizing complex material topically rather than according to formal scientific categories and mixing technical language with conversational syntax ...an approach that leads to easy comprehension and makes this volume both a fine cover-to-cover read and eminently fun to browse in."

The New Everyday Science Explained

"The New Everyday Science Explained ... is an ideal family reference book, genuinely appropriate for both adults and children."

Milestones of Science

"A colorful, attention-grabbing overview of scientific milestones ... a concise, interesting text make this a great reference source ... captivating enough to read cover to cover."
--School Library Journal